Monday, March 21, 2011

Baby Shadow Box

For my daughter's birthday (after she was grown) I took some of her baby clothes I had saved and put them in a shadow box as a present. I included a gown that was made by my grandmother and a sundress made by my mother in the display.
I put in a couple photos of her wearing some of the same clothes included in the shadow box.
I stuffed her tiny little shoes with pink tissue so they would retain their shape.
This is a good way to preserve baby clothes and still be able to enjoy the memories.
Every time I go to her house and see this shadow box hanging on the wall it makes me smile. Seeing those tiny little shoes, knowing she wears a size 10 now, is a reminder of how fast our babies grow up! I also gave my children their baby books after they turned 30! They think I was quite anal in recording information in their baby books, but they have both used those books as adults to retrieve information.