Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Apricot Pork Loin

My husband comes up with amazing ideas to turn the "same ole meat" into a new adventure. On this day he took a can of Apricot Halves to transform our pork loin.
First he sliced and onion (thick slices) and placed in the bottom of his Paula Deen pan.
Next he put the pork loin in the pan on top of the onions.
Then he poured the juice out of the can of apricots on top of the meat.
He added pepper and a tiny bit of salt on top of that.
Last he placed the apricot halves on top of the meat.
He cooked in a 325 degree oven for 4 hours.
(it was probably done before that, but the 4 hours fit in with his nap schedule)
He served the apricot pork loin with potato salad.