Saturday, December 8, 2012

Recycle Cardboard Roll Ornament

This is a rerun from my blog last year, but may well be one of my all time favorite Christmas tree ornaments. If you use a color scheme on your Christmas tree this is the one for you, because you can just paint the cardboard center from toilet paper or paper towels any color.   
Cardboard center roll from toilet paper or paper towel
Paint - I used acrylic that I already had
Pipe cleaners
Ruler/Pencil to mark your pieces to cut
Hole punch
First I painted the outside of the roll and let it dry.
You could paint the inside too, but I didn't.
Next you flatten the roll and mark where you want to cut the pieces.
Punch two holes in each piece...
I measured where to punch so they would all be the same.
Next, run the pipe cleaner through the center hole.
You can see by the above photo that they all touch in the center.
Next twist two pipe cleaners together to make one long pipe cleaner.
Run the long pipe cleaner through the outside holes.
Use another pipe cleaner to make the holder as shown above.
You could add glitter if you want it to sparkle on the tree.
These can also be used for decoration around the house not just on the tree.
Hook several together to make a garland or hang wherever you need a little extra color.


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