My daughter sent me this e-mail and it has some good ideas for all those lids that have lost their container and come spilling out of the cabinet when you open the door. I keep looking at them thinking there must be some kind of neat craft project that will jump out at me one day. Do you have other ideas for using all the excess plastic lids?
- Move furniture easier…Place lids on the bottom off furniture legs for easier movement.
- Avoid sticky messes like honey, syrup, oil, etc….Place lids underneath jars or containers.
- Keep twines untangled…punch a hole in the lid cover and place one end of string through hole.
- Hamburger patties…Use lids to push down on the hamburger meat to form patty
- Keep your earrings paired up…punch a couples holes in a lid and place your earrings.
- Coasters…you can also decorate them if you’d like.
- Secure and keep trash bags closed…cut an X on the lid and slip bag through lid all the way through.
- Avoid messy spills…Place lids underneath plant pots to catch excess water.
- Keep the bugs out of your drinks…simply place the lids over your drink.
- Snack server…use them to place snacks on
- Avoid dog hairs in your drain…punch a few holes in the lid and placing over the drain.
- Avoid nicks and scratches on walls…place the lid in between an object and the wall.
- Garden Plant Markers…Cut, Label and place in the plant.
- Avoid rust stains…place lids under containers that can rust (for examples, shaving cream)
Thanks for sharing this--we have so many of those stray lids!