Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Time to plow...

 My son has had a really busy couple of months.
Here he is with my new granddaughter Olivia...she is keeping him busy!
 Last month he got married.
 He also got a visit from his oldest son and his fiancé from Houston.
 He started a new job at the brand new Neighborhood Market...and loves it.
And now he finally has time to "plow" his garden!
I told him my Dad use to hook his horse old Smokey up to a plow and do the garden.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tornado Supply Check list...

It is tornado season! These are some of the things you might want to stock in your storm shelter now. If you do not have a storm shelter you might want to pack as much of this stuff as you can in a sturdy plastic container.

A supply of water (one gallon per person per day). Store water in sealed, unbreakable containers. Identify the storage date and replace every six months.
My friend Linda says she puts a roll of toilet paper and some snack bars inside a gallon glass jar, so she can take out the toilet paper and snack bars and use the gallon glass jar for a restroom if needed. She say it has to be glass to contain the odor.
  • A supply of non-perishable packaged or canned food and a non-electric can opener.
  • A change of clothing, rain gear and sturdy shoes.
  • Blankets or sleeping bags.
  • A first aid kit and prescription medications.
  • An extra pair of glasses.
  • A battery-powered radio, flashlight and plenty of extra batteries.
  • Credit cards and cash.
  • An extra set of car keys.
  • A list of family physicians.
  • A list of phone numbers for relatives, neighbors, your schools, and utility companies, and photos and descriptions of your family should you be separated.
  • A list of important family information; the style and serial number of medical devices such as pacemakers.
  • Special items for infants, elderly or disabled family members.
  • Don’t forget your pets. Canned pet food and water, sturdy leashes, harnesses or carriers, current photos of the pets and a litter box with litter.
  • A five-day supply of non-perishable food, bottled water and any prescription medications is recommended for your storm shelter/safe room.
    Also make plans with your family members and friends to have an emergency plan to be able to find each other if an emergency hits.
    On its website,, the Federal Emergency Management Agency says to obtain information after a disaster by watching TV, listening to the radio or checking the Internet often for information or official instruction as it becomes available.

    Monday, April 28, 2014

    Wedding Flowers

    I put together the flowers for my son's wedding on St. Patrick's Day
    Colors were green and purple.
    I purchased flowers at the Family Dollar store
    in various shades of purple and green.
    Instead of a store bought bouquet base...
    I cut a round circle out of the side of a plastic
    kitty litter container and made holes all over the circle.
    I poked the flowers down in the holes to keep them spread out.
    Then I pulled all the stems together and duck taped them.
    Next I wrapped the base with ribbon.
    I added a butterfly and pansy to the bouquet
    for the bride and for my mom who is Pansy.
     I ended up making 10 boutonnieres and
    10 corsages, plus the bouquet for the attendant.
    This is just a the beginning of them... 
     Granny of the Groom
     Mother of the Bride
     Mother of the Groom
     Sister of the Groom
     Aunt of the Groom
     Sister of the Bride
     Sister of the Bride
    Tim the Minister...he did an awesome ceremony!

    Sunday, April 27, 2014

    The Wedding

    My son and his new bride exchanged vows on St. Patrick's Day
    everything was her favorite colors green and purple.
    It was outdoors on this cold windy March day.
    It snowed like crazy the day before...everything turned out great.

    Saturday, April 26, 2014

    Spring is in the air...finally!

    I was beginning to think spring would never arrive!
    It is finally here and things are starting to bloom.
    Of course, in Oklahoma that also means the start of tornado season.

    Friday, April 25, 2014

    She arrived!

    Granddaughter Olivia Kaye Nicole arrived!
    Here she is in her Dad's bassinet with a new pink and white cover.

     Four generations me, my son, my mom and new granddaughter.
    Me, maternal grandma, the mom, the dad,
    paternal great grandma, maternal great grandma and Olivia.

    Thursday, April 24, 2014

    Window Tint

     Our Granddaughter is 20 years old today...
    this is her latest vehicle
    for the life of me I don't understand
    why kids today think they have to have their
    car windows tinted so much!
    Yes, I get that in the Oklahoma sun we need a little tint,
    but this is just over the top!

    Wednesday, April 23, 2014

    Sidewalk Chalk

    Sidewalk chalk is the best entertainment value out there for children and adults! I purchased this 20 piece container of sidewalk chalk for 97 cents plus tax. I think as adults, we forget some of the simple things we can to to entertain our children or grandchildren. Sidewalk chalk lets kids use their imaginations and be creative. It washes off easily, so it is not messy. Sidewalk chalk is one of Granny's Love aka my Grandson's favorite things to play with at my house.
    This is a sidewalk chalk message for my blog readers!

    Tuesday, April 22, 2014

    Lemon Bars

    SERIOUSLY the best boxed anything I have tasted in forever! WOW...the box says "Sweet yet tart lemon filling on a buttery shortbread crust" and it promises delicious homemade taste every time! And it kept its promise!!! My husband went and stayed with our daughter for a week, while he worked in the city, and discovered this delightful treat. Why two boxes? Because, one box is only enough for an 8 or 9 inch pan and my husband made a 9 X 13 pan of SUPREME BARS MIX - LEMON. The back of the box also shows Mississippi Mud and Cookie Brownie, but I love the lemon bars. They were so easy to make....well I guess they were easy I only took photos...
    First preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Press the ready-mixed crust (dry), both boxes,  in bottom of ungreased 9 x 13 glass baking pan. Bake 10 minutes.
    Mix together both boxes of Filling Mix, 2/3 cups water and 6 eggs. Be careful when you are getting the filling mix and the crust out of the box. They are not marked and they are both white looking. The whitest one is the filling.
    Pour the Filling Mix over the hot crust. Bake 32-37 minutes (9x13 glass pan) or until the top begins to brown; cool completely.
    Once cooled husband said one hour. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, which does not come in the box, if desired. For ease in cutting, use wet knife. Store tightly covered.
    I have to tell you these are sooooooo good! I only looked at the nutrition facts on the side of the box AFTER I had eaten one. These ARE NOT diabetic friendly, but they are very low in fat and they do have a little potassium. If you need something quick and easy to take to a holiday party these would be my suggestion. They have a very festive taste.

    Monday, April 21, 2014

    Prom Hair

    Second generation "prom hair"
    you know you are getting old
    when you start doing prom hair for the second generation of young ladies!
    When my girls were prom age I did hair for them and their friends.
    When some of their friends got married I did wedding hair designs.
    No, I have no formal training...only do in emergencies
    when budgets have already been spent and not enough left for the hair!

    Sunday, April 20, 2014

    Ice Cream Tub Easter Basket - rerun from 2011

    Recycle that ice cream bucket you have been saving into a personalized Easter basket!
    All you need is some dollar store foam sheets, sharpie markers, glue and Easter grass.
    I just cut a couple pieces of green foam with a jagged edge to be "grass" along the bottom.
    Next I cut some "egg" shaped pieces and marked on them with sharpie markers.
    I used Elmers All Purpose glue to put the "grass" and "eggs" around the bucket.
    Put a little Easter grass inside and you have a personalized Easter basket!

    This was a 5 quart ice cream bucket so it was the perfect size to make a Easter basket.