Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Money Flash Cards

My friend Pat posted on her blog about making flash cards to teach her grandson how to identify money. Wow I thought that was a great idea, so I borrowed her idea and expanded on it. Our grandsons were born on the same day, my grandson is a year older, so I thought he needed to also learn how different pieces of money equaled other pieces of money.
After I did the basic cards, I glued money on the following cards too.
I think this is something all children should learn, because you can go to any fast food place and you will find a cashier that does not know how to give change with out the computerized cash register telling them the amount.

Thanks Pat for the neat idea. If you have not check out Pearl Cabin...small living and cooking for lots of other good ideas check it out and remember to sign up to be a follower

1 comment:

  1. Now this is a great idea! I'll make Logan some like these next year when he's in first grade! How fast our boys grow!
